Enclave Name: Alkurruntz
Protection Categories: Included in LIC 22000015 Orabidea Regatta. It is show as Undevelopable Land of Protection for Environmental Value, Wetlands in Spatial Plan 3 “Navarra Atlantic”.
Location: Baztan
Region: Navarra
Wetland Surface: 2.24 hectáreas
Altitude: 550-756 m
This enclave of around 2 ha, is located on the hill at the foot of Mount Alkurruntz. It is accessed from the port of Otsondo in Baztan.
The site starts at the top with an upwelling eutrophy that flows into a platform a bit further down. The platform in turn, receives water from three points of upwelling in addition to the previously mention upwelling . Thus, the platform is not homogeneous : it has areas where the soil is less waterlogged than the rest and develop rushes (the top edge and the Western side), there is a high shoulder, dry soil covered by gorse ; and the larger part is very waterlogged and covered by a carpet of sphagnum. The platform is drained into two streams flowing through the back of respective watering troughs, missing half of the slope between the substrate .
Below the platform there is a more or less horizontal line of streams, which exhibit different activity and definition, and which give rise to channels with flow of variable length. To the East, these flows reach the side of the ditch of the track in the back; in the center, the flows end on the hillside, and towards the West, these channels drain into the creek canyon .
The area of the platform consists of a mosaic of flooded areas with Sphagnum communities and Narthecium ossifragum auriculatum promontories and small communities with Sphagnum and Erica tetralix papillosum. Among these communities and areas with Rhynchospora alba and Pinguicula lusitanica interspersed. The main stream is characterized by Potamogeton polygonifolius communities , while more diffusive flow zones are characterized by the presence of Eleocharis multicaulis. Ommiophyllus Ranunculus communities in small emergences, rushes with Juncus acutiflorus and heaths with Erica tetralix are also found .
The Natural Habitats of Community Interest (HIC) and Habitats of Priority (HIP) most representative of the enclave, are associated with peat (7140, 7150), peat moors (4020 *) and rushes (6410).
Alkurruntz is known for hosting an important heterogeneity in terms of habitat type despite the small size it occupies.Biologic and Ecologic Features
This enclave has a significant representation of the Habitats 7140 and 7150. It is also known for the presence of vascular flora of interest.Historic and Paleo-ecologic Feature
The peat habitats Alkurruntz do not have relevant deposits from the paleo-ecologicalpoint of view.Habitats of Community Interest
Hábitat Nombre 4020* Brezales húmedos atlánticos de zonas templadas de Erica cillaris y Erica tetralix 4030 Brezales secos europeos 6230* Formaciones herbosas con Nardus, con numerosas especies, sobre sustratos silíceos de zonas montañosas (y de zonas submontañosas de la Europa continental) 6410 Prados con molinias sobre sustratos calcáreos, turbosos o arcillo-limónicos (Molinion caeruleae) 7140 “Mires” de transición 7150 Depresiones sobre sustratos turbosos Flora
As floristic elements of interest the presence of Rhynchospora alba Alkurruntz, Ranunculus omiophyllus, Pinguicula lusitanica and Soldanella villosa stand out. Pinguicula lusitanica is recorded as “sensitive to habitat alteration” in the Catalogue of Threatened Flora of Navarra. Soldanella villosa is also recorded as “sensitive to habitat alteration” in the Catalogue of Threatened Flora of Navarra and is also included in Annexes II and IV of the Habitats Directive.Among the bryophytes, the presence of Sphagnum capillifolium stands out. On the other hand, it can be noted that most of the typical species of the peat environments of Eastern Basque biogeographic realm are present.
There have been a total of 60 species of vasculars and 17 of bryophytes, including five sphagnum.
There is no specific information associated with the fauna Alkurruntz peat area.- PHOTOS