Action C.5

C.5. Infraestructuras para una gestión ganadera compatible con la conservación de los hábitats en los LIC Picos de Europa de Asturias y Castilla-León

These actions consist of the installation of infrastructures for livestock management in such a way that this activity can carry out in a manner compatible with the conservation of the Habitats of Community Interest 7310 and 7230 in the zone


1. Installation of livestock exclusion fences

in the peat land plots corresponding to habitats 7130 “Blanket bogs” and 7230 “Alkaline fens.” These enclosures will bot be permanent , they will use electrified wire by means of electric fence to keep the livestock out of peat plots of varying lengths.

The action will be carried out on an acidic peat land (7130) in Vega de Comeya, in the SCI and SPA ES1200001 Picos de Europa (Asturias), and on the Alkaline bog (7230) in the Vega de Liordes, in the SCI and SPA ES0000003 Picos de Europa (Castile and Leon).


2.  Installation of a trough in the Vega de Liordes

in the SCI and SPA ES0000003 Picos de Europa (Castile and Leon). The preparation of a small stone and concrete trough is proposed, given that the fences limit the access to ponded areas utilized by the livestock to drink.

In addition, these types of infrastructures reduce the livestock pressure on the system of damp enclaves and constitute a compensatory measure for the farmers against the access restrictions to the fenced plots.

The exact dimensions will be established in considering the livestock that use the pastures and the trough would be supplied by a nearby fountain.

This simple and profitable management technique has great demonstrative value that allows the diffusion of a bog conservation methodology seldom spread in the geographic branch of the North of the Iberian Peninsula.

It is intended with this action, to improve the peat land habitats 7130 and 7230 in those SCIs and the populations of taxa belonging to those environments, especially Salix hastatella subsp. picoeuropeana, Juncus balticus subsp. cantabricus and Callitriche palustris.


